Software libre

The Hydra Bay, software libre y revueltas p2p

Extiende el universo del barco más popular de la web convirtiendo tu ordenador en un proxy hacia The Pirate Bay:

This article will be explaining how to set up your own pirate bay proxy, as some ISPs in the UK have been ordered to block it by the High Court. In addition to this we will also be explaining how it is a good and low cost investment with a great outcome – we must fight censorship, we cannot let this continue.

El nombre y el logo son, además, un acierto:

These guides were created in the spirit of The Hydra Bay. In ancient Greek mythology, the Hydra was a serpent that possessed many heads. Herakles was sent to destroy it as one of his twelve labours, but for each of the heads that he decapitated, two more grew. In a sense this is what we are trying to achive; ISPs block The Pirate Bay, and many more proxies appear.

Y todo con software libre, usando nginx.

Software libre

Stallman was right all along

Leo en OS News:

Thirty years ago, when Richard Stallman launched the GNU project, and during the three decades that followed, his sometimes extreme views and peculiar antics were ridiculed and disregarded as paranoia – but here we are, 2012, and his once paranoid what-ifs have become reality.

Stallman was right all along se llama el artículo. Léanlo, nada que no supiéramos, pero es un recordatorio necesario tras todo el importante ejercicio de repaso a lo que nos ha dejado el 2011.

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