Si pensaban que su RSC iba a limpiar fácilmente su imagen, no se apresuren.
“When people see an ad with two opposing motivations, as when a brand known for self-enhancement promotes a CSR message, something doesn’t feel right. Consumers sense a disfluency or a motivational conflict between the brand’s self-aggrandizing ethos and its selfless CSR message that results in distrust and less favorable appraisals. This experience occurs rather spontaneously without any conscious deliberation on the merits of the CSR argument.”
Oh, las molestas disonancias cognitivas que usamos para justificarnos hacen su entrada por todo lo alto. Y mientras no impidan que compres el producto, quizá no haya problema, pero parece que los publicistas están teniendo un problema con la puesta en valor de la RSC de sus clientes más polémicos.
A forthcoming Journal of Consumer Research study claims that when brands exhibit inconsistencies, consumers find it hard to swallow proclamations of social responsibility.